Thursday, February 24, 2011

Proxima Bike Car Hybrid Concept – Where 2 Types of Vehicle Fused Together!

Neverending creation of human has once again result in a brilliantly cool looking and excellent fused of bike and car into a new species of vehicle!
Proxima is a ‘Bike Car’, as the creator confessed the name of this cool technology. Proxima adopted an eco-friendly hybrid engine and have an unique design of front-car back-motorcycle style. Check out the following pictures for more detail:
Proxima Bike Car Hybrid Concept
Rear view of Proxima Bike Car Hybrid Concept
“This unique concept from Alvino gives its rider a chance to enjoy the two-wheel feel of a motorcycle while keeping them safe and comfortable as if they are in a four-wheel vehicle.”
– by iGreenSpot
Proxima Bike Car Hybrid Concept Side view
Check out for more info about Proxima Bike Car Hybrid Concept over at iGreenSpot.

Cars show

Interesting concept of car or maybe motorcycle, however it’s useful
for city traffic. One day this will be a concept future cars.
future cars

future cars

future cars

future cars

future cars

future cars

future cars

future cars

future cars

future cars

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Di 2010 PT. Minerva Motor Indonesia Berencana Meluncurkan 7 Varian Baru

Positifnya pasar roda dua di Tanah Air turut memacu PT. Minerva Motor Indonesia sebagai produsen sepeda motor Minerva-Sachs-Megelli untuk mencoba peruntungannya di 2010 ini. MMI berencana untuk merilis 7 (tujuh) varian baru sepeda motor Minerva -Sachs-Megelli (saya tulis Minerva saja).
Ketujuh varian tersebut meliputi 3 (tiga) buah model di sektor skutik (100 cc dan 125 cc), satu buah model sport 150 cc kemudian 3 (tiga) buah model sport 250 cc.  Dalam wawancaranya kepada Bisnis Indonesia, Presdir PT. MMI Kristianto Goenadi, menjelaskan bahwa model sport 150 cc akan dirilis lebih dahulu, “Untuk model sport segmen 150 cc akan diluncurkan awal Maret. Kami berharap penjualan Minerva tahun ini mencapai 66.000 unit, lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu.”


PT. MMI sendiri menargetkan kenaikan pangsa penjualan sebesar 32,5 % dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun lalu yang sebesar 49.800 unit. Jumlah pada tahun lalu tersebut kontribusinya adalah Minerva 150-R sebanyak 60 %, kemudian Megelli 250R sebanyak 25%, sisanya adalah dari Madass 125 dan tipe lainnya.
So guys, mari kita tunggu kiprah Minerva ini lebih lanjut, siapa tahu bisa mendobrak hegemoni ‘saudara tua’, asalkan ada perbaikan dari produk Minerva baik dari segi endurance maupun performance. Karena saya lihat, para pengguna Minerva pun cukup solid. Tidak kalah dengan komunitas biker lainnya. Bahkan mereka akan mengadakan acara “Nyentul Bersama Minerva Rider Club (MRC)”, dan acara tersebut pun mendapat tanggapan positif. Sekaligus saatnya pembuktian bahwa Minerva juga bisa bejaban lawan motor lain. Istilahnya kerennya “Nantang” kali yeee…xixixi….
Nah, yang kayak begini nih yang kudu harus musti diperhatikan oleh PT. MMI, jangan karena dianggap meniru CBR atau apalah alasannya, sehingga seakan-akan Minerva 150R tidak dicantumkan di Website Resmi Minerva Motor Indonesia. Jadi seakan-akan anak tiri. Sebaiknya MMI membalas loyalitas mereka (MRC) dengan menyediakan sarana, atau konsumsi, atau malah UG (HARUS.. !!! :P ). Nah, pemberitaan dari sini yang akan mengangkat pamor Minerva. Tul gak bro…? :mrgreen:

motor unik 13 jutaan nih!

Barusan diYM sama Teddy, ada motor baru mo masuk Indo, harganya cuma 13 jutaan, diliat dari bentuk sih kayaknya cocok banget sama kondisi jalanan di Indo. Tapi ya berhubung baru gini orderdilnya masih susah kali yak?

Jakarta - PT Minerva Motor Indonesia melakukan gebrakan dengan meluncurkan motor baru Sachs MadAss 125 dengan menggandeng perusahaan otomotif Jerman Sachs Germany. Motor yang terkesan unik ini memang terkesan berbeda dengan motor-motor lain yang sudah diluncurkan pabrikan motor lain di Indonesia. Produk kendaraan roda dua baru ini didesain secara orisinil oleh Sachs Germany dengan standar emisi euro III sehingga motor ini bisa dipastikan ramah terhadap lingkungan. Harganya cukup murah dan bisa bersaing dengan motor lain yakni hanya Rp 13,95 juta on the road Jakarta.

Apa dasar optimisme Minerva meluncurkan motor dengan karakteristik yang berbeda, ditengah dominasi produsen Jepang di Indonesia.

Berikut petikan wawancara dengan Kristianto Goenadi (CEO PT Minerva Motor Indonesia) disela-sela peluncuran Sachs MadAss 125 di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Senin (28/4/2008)

Produk ini sudah diujicoba kepada pasar terlebih dahulu?

Kami sudah melakukan ujicoba waktu itu di Japan Motor Show dan ternyata diterima juga oleh importir asing, karena produk ini dinilai sesuai dengan pasar mereka.

Strategi pemasaran di Jabotabek atau di luar daerah?

Strateginya kita mulai di kota-kota besar dahulu, kita mulai di Jabotabek, lalu Lampung, Semarang, Surabaya dan Medan. Jadi produk ini cukup segmentif untuk konsumsi anak muda 17-20 tahun. Selain itu kita juga masuk ke hypermart seperti Carefour kita juga sudah menjalin kerjasama untuk display, lalu juga di credit card kita ikut kerjasama.

Di Jakarta ada berapa dealer Minerva?

Ada 10 tempat, tapi akan terus kita kembangkan.

Selain MadAss produk kerjasama dengan Sachs ini apa lagi?

Kita berencana untuk mengeluarkan 1 model lagi di tahun ini yaitu X-Cross.

Untuk promosi, apakah ada rencana promosi besar-besaran?

Mungkin nanti, saat ini kita pameran di mal-mal dulu secara simultan dari kota ke kota, tapi setelah dilakukan perubahan jaringan dengan kerjasama ini baru kita besar-besaran.

Untuk bahan bakar MadAss?

Kita anjurkan untuk premium yang non timbal dan ini ada di Jakarta, kalau di luar Jakarta kita sarankan pakai Pertamax atau Pertamax Plus

Total penjualan Minerva keseluruhan saat ini?

Saat ini total penjualan kita 7 ribu unit per bulan.

Dengan keadaan ekonomi saat ini apakah tidak takut pasar tidak akan menyerap?

Pasar sepeda motor adalah yang terakhir terkena imbas ekonomi, karena akan ada shifting dari roda 4 ke roda 2. Apalagi BBM makin mahal dan juga ongkos transportasi, karena itu masyarakat lebih memilih sepeda motor daripada public transportation.

Harga MadAss cukup murah Pak Rp 13,95 juta?

Harga ini masih disubsidies, kita memberikan kesempatan untuk konsumen men-shifting dari sepeda motor Jepang ke sepeda motor ini, karena itu harganya kita buat cukup kompetitif.

Pasarnya apakah bisa kompetitif dengan sepeda motor Jepang?

Ini produk yang bukan seperti motor Jepang, karena punya segmen spesifik. Dan ini bisa digunakan untuk transportasi, tapi kita bidik anak muda 17 tahun ke atas. Jadi desainnya lain daripada yang lain.

Target penjualan MadAss?

Untuk model ini kita punya target 1.000 unit per bulan.

Komponen motor?

Saat ini Sachs gunakan komponen global dari mancanegara, komponen dari Indonesia hanya 20 persen, akan kita tingkatkan sampai 40 persen.

Sachs akan menjadikan Minerva basis produksi di Asia Tenggara?

Benar, Sachs cari partner di luar untuk produksi supaya kompetitif. Indonesia melalui Minerva akan jadi basis produksi untuk ekspor ke Asia Tenggara, melalui fasilitas perakitan kita. Kapasitas produksi kita saat ini 10 ribu per bulan, tapi bisa ditingkatkan hingga 20 ribu per bulan.

Friday, February 11, 2011

2011 Chevy Camaro ZL1

The Chevrolet Camaro Bumblebee is now re-evolved. After last year's defeat in the class domination of Mustang muscle car that has been maintained for decades, Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 now show that claimed more powerful.

Chevy Camaro
Transformers movie star is provided by a V8 engine capable of producing power to 550 hp.

2011 Chevy Camaro ZL1With that much power, also claimed a Camaro ZL1 Camaro model of the strongest and fastest owned by Chevrolet.

Chevy Camaro ZL1
Although only made as many as 69 pieces only, seems ZL1 engine when it was able to gain the sympathy of car enthusiasts and become its own myth for fans of the Camaro.

The car that will be dealing directly with the Mustang Shelby GT500 itself takes its name from the ZL1 engine built in the 1960 period. The machine was then produced to strengthen the Camaro in 1969. [Via]

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2003 Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod

2003 Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod

• 2003 Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod

Introduced in the 2002 model line-up, the V-Rod motorcycle represents the first member of a new family of Harley-Davidson motorcycles - the performance custom. A tightly refined package of pure custom Harley-Davidson style and attitude backed with the performance of the liquid-cooled, 60-degree, Revolution engine, the V-Rod plays to your senses and your soul.
Key characteristics of the VRSCA V-Rod™ motorcycle
-115hp @ 8250rpm torque @ 7000rpm
-Aluminum bodywork
-Cosmetic, silver painted hydroformed frame
-18-inch disc rear wheel, 19-inch disk front wheel
-Triple-disc brakes
-Braided brake lines
-Under seat 3.7-gallon fuel tank
-Aluminum radiator shroud with twin vortex air scoops

Dragester-inspired styling:
- 38-degree fork angle, 34-degree steering head angle
- 49mm forks
- Aerodynamic, reflector optic headlight
- 180mm wide rear tire
- Low 26-inch seat height
- Shaved engine fins

2003 Specifications1 VRSCA V-Rod™

Length 93.6 in. (2377.4 mm)
Seat Height (measure laden w/ 180 lb. rider) 26.0 in. (660.4 mm)
Seat Height (unladen) 27.1 in. (688.3 mm)
Ground Clearance 5.6. in. (141.0 mm)
Rake (steering head) 34.0 degrees
Fork Angle 38.0 degrees
Trail 3.9 in. (99.1 mm)
Wheelbase 67.5 in. (1714.5 mm)
Tires: Radial
Front - D207 120/70ZR-19
Rear - D207 180/55ZR-18
Fuel Capacity 3.7 gal. (14.0 L)
Reserve Fuel Capacity No reserve due to fuel injection
Oil Capacity 4.5 qts. (4.3 L)
Dry Weight 595.7 lbs. (270.4 kg)
Vehicle Weight In Running Order (unladen) 615.5 lbs. (279.4 kg)
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 1022.4 lbs. (464.2 kg)

Engine 60º Liquid-cooled V-Twin Revolution™ engine
Valves Direct acting double overhead cam;
four valves per cylinder; chain driven w/ hydraulic tensioners
Bore x Stroke 3.94 x 2.83 in. (100 x 72 mm)
Displacement 69 cu. in. (1130 cc)
Compression Ratio 11.3:1
Fuel System3 Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)
Air Cleaner Downdraft intake - hidden
Lubrication System Wet-sump, integrated w/ powertrain crankcase

Primary Drive Double row chain, oil bath,
mechanical tensioner, 117/64 ratio
Final Drive Gates carbon fiber reinforced
polychain belt, 72/30 ratio
Clutch 9-plate, wet
Transmission Five-speed
Overall Ratio:
1st 10.969
2nd 7.371
3rd 5.900
4th 5.095
5th 4.563

Frame Steel perimeter upper frame w/ hydroformed main
rails and bolt-on lower frame rails
Swing Arm One piece cast aluminum polished
Front Fork Wide 49 mm custom fork
Wheels 19-inch (48.26 cm) x 3.0-inch (7.62 cm) cast disc front;
18-inch (45.72 cm) x 5.5-inch (13.97 cm) wide cast disc rear
Caliper type Dual-piston front and rear
Rotor type (diameter x width): Patented, One piece floating rotor (front),
Uniform Expansion Rotor (rear)
Front (Dual) 11.5 in. x .20 in. (292.1 mm x 5.08 mm)
Rear 11.5 in. x .23 in. (292.1 mm x 5.84 mm)
Suspension Travel:
Front Wheel 4.0 in. (101.60 mm)
Rear Wheel 4.0 in. (101.60 mm)

Engine Torque (per SAEJ607)2:
World 74 ft. lbs. @ 7000 rpm (100.33 NM @ 7000 rpm)
France (opt. Germany) 70 ft. lbs. @ 6100 rpm (95 NM @ 6100 rpm)
Lean Angle (per SAEJ1168):
Right 32.0 degrees
Left 32.0 degrees

Battery Sealed, maintenance-free, 12-volt,
12 amp-hour (per Battery Council International rating) 200 cca
Charging 37-amp rare earth magnet alternator
solid-state regulator (481w @ 3000 rpm, 494w peak)
Starting 0.8kw electric Bendix-type engagement
Lights: (As per country regulation)
Headlamp Quartz Halogen 55-watt low beam, 60-watt high beam
Tail/stop lights 8w/28w reflector optics (int’l: 5w/21w)
Turn signal lights (self-canceling) 28w (int’l: 21w)
Indicator lamps High beam, neutral, oil, turn signals, engine
diagnostics, security system (optional)4, cooling temperature, low fuel

Engine Trim Powdercoated platinum silver crankcase,
Silver cylinder heads and chrome-plated covers
Exhaust System Highly stylized 2 into 1 into 2
Ignition Barrel Keyed, right side under seat
Seat 2-piece textured vinyl w/ flip-up fuel fill access
Passenger Backrest Available Genuine Motor Accessories
Foot Supports Forward
Rear Fender Supports Internal to rear fender w/ included
P&A saddlebag mounting points
Instruments Electronic speedometer w/ odometer and
resettable tripmeter w/diagnostic capabilities and
solid state tell-tale indicator module; tachometer
Hazard warning Integrated into turn signal controls
Fork Lock Barrel Key, common w/ ignition key

Two-Tone Sterling Silver and Vivid Black, Anodized Aluminum

Warranty6 12 months (unlimited mileage)
Service Interval First 1,000 miles (1,600 Km);
every 5,000 miles (8,000 Km) thereafter.
— Inspections of certain systems and components are required at 2,500 mile (4,000 Km) intervals —

1Harley-Davidson reserves the right to discontinue models or change specifications at any time without incurring any obligations. Vehicle specifications may vary from country to country depending on local laws, andsome models are not available in certain countries. All models feature 5-speed transmission and carbonfiber belt final drive; 40 mm constant velocity carburetor with enrichner and accelerator pump (except Electronic Sequential Pat Fuel Injection Models); and multi-plate clutch with diaphragm spring in oil bath.
2Values are nominal. Performance varies by country.
3Standard and optional fuel systems may vary by country.
4North American security system includes immobilizer; outside North America the security system includes immobilizer & siren.
5Availability may vary from dealer to dealer, and is subject to change without notice.
6See motorcycle owner’s manual for complete details.

Ultimate sidecar: man attaches full-sized car to his motorcycle

There are motorcycle sidecars, and then there are motorcycle sidecars. This particular mash-up is dubbed the "Snaefell" and is the work of Francois Knorreck. It took him a whopping 10 years and over $20,000 to complete. The motorcycle is a Laverda, and the car itself is actually cannibalized from several different vehicles.
Hey, if you're going to end up riding in a sidecar, why not make it a full-sized one? Check out more of the Snaefell in the gallery below.

harly motor cycle

Fighter-jet-inspired motorcycle doesn't skimp — not even on the minigun

The motorcycle nuts at ICON Motorsports make an interesting observation about their Warthog bike, inspired by the USAF's A-10 ground-attack fighter that shares the same nickname: "Obviously the first thing that grabs one's attention is the 800-watt MTX audio system." Well, sure, that's impressive — but I think the minigun mounted to the front of the 'cycle caught my eye first. That, and it's hard to miss that the whole thing is decal'd to the nines with ammunition. But I'm sure that audio system sounds killer, too.
The Warthog does everything it can to look mean and fast, and has a few added, nutty frills, such as an 8-inch LCD screen "to view Full Metal Jacket, Iron Eagle, or Top Gun and the ability to broadcast a view of the victims left in its wake via an integrated rear view camera."
Worried you won't be able to rock a bike like the Warthog? Well, a matching helmet should give you the confidence you need. Check out the gallery below for more of the Icon Warthog, and click through for a video of the bike in action.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Motorcycles, Girls and Violence

magazine, these photos have an anime, futuristic feel to them and are very well done. After the jump, there are some photos listed that have some very cool looking motorcycles that are easy on the eyes…

Great example of motorcycle riders diversity

It’s really amazing to see how different people are, and yet have the same passion in common. Here’s a few examples from people reading Helmet Hair Motorcycle Blog, who sent me emails about their bikes and rides they’ve been on.
This is Mike from Texas on his “Ruby”, a 2003 Honda VTX 1800R.

Here’s Reverend J.W.White Jr. posing in his sanctum, and kicking it back on his VTX 1800 with his buddy Phillip.

This is J.W.White Jr.’s buddy Phillip on his VTX 1300

Here’s our well know hair-between-the-teeth-true-biker Kevin a.k.a. Pan Chopper Man. Geared up to fight for freedom beside his Harley Davidson Panhead.
Last but by no means least is David Thomson, who more than once contributed with great road tales here on Helmet Hair. Photo is from his trip to Mallorca with a XT660R, David normally rides a Honda VFR
David and the XT660R

Getting emails from you guys is bloody brilliant. Please keep them coming. I think this diversity underlines pretty good what is important for most of us bikers, motorcycle enthusiasts, call it what ever. Which is riding motorcycles and meeting fellow riders. I know of nothing like motorcycles that can really bridge the various cultural gaps between people.
Don’t let anyone tell you what to ride. Ride when and what you like. No matter where you’re from there’s plenty of us, just as nuts as you.
Thank you to all who have sent me emails about you and your rides. Keep it up people. Send photos of you and your rides to

Where to Find Honda Motorcycle Parts

Honda produce reliable motorcycles and are the largest producer of internal combustion engines engineering 14 millions engines a year।

Where to Find Honda Motorcycle Parts

They are also the 6th Largest automobile manufacturer in the world and the 4th in the United States overtaking Chrysler in 2008. They didn't enter the American market in motorcycles until 1960 so there is over 50 years worth of Honda history in the USA now and that's a lot of Honda motorcycle parts to go with it.

The first place for the cheapest Honda motorcycle parts you can check is a junkyard, however these (especially motorcycle specific ones) can be hard to find.

Next try motor parts buildings. These are where the garages go to purchase parts for your Honda Motorcycle and although public prices are slightly higher than trade prices you will be getting them at one of the main sources and therefore can make a saving.

You can also try your local garages if you can not find motor factors। Although the garages will order from local motor factors or their preferred online source.

Where to Find Honda Motorcycle Parts

Next you can try specialist Honda Motorcycle companies online. There are many companies which advertise and keep their specialty to one brand of motorcycle. These are usually the best ones to go for as they are more efficient in finding what you need and more likely to have it in stock as opposed to providing you with a generic solution.

Finally you can try the manufacturer (Honda) themselves। However this is usually the most expensive way। They can usually get the parts for their older models, although they may not want too due to hassle so be sure to wave some money their way if you are struggling to find the part you need elsewhere.

Where to Find Honda Motorcycle Parts

If you still can not find the Honda motorcycle parts you require new then there are second hand options. Whilst rubber parts tend to fade over the years and are not a recommended 2nd hand buy, metal parts do last providing they haven't been over stressed and used as designed.

eBay is one source but it can be unreliable and you may be waiting months for the right part and even then may get outbid at the last moment।

Where to Find Honda Motorcycle Parts

A better idea is to search on owners forums. The chances are there is a lot of enthusiasts for your model and someone around the world somewhere will have the part spare and happily send it on for the right price. This method has never failed me when I own rare models, again you might have to wait a bit, but something always turns up, put out wanted ad's and you might get lucky quickly. To do this go to and type in your Honda Motorcycle model and try adding words like 'club', 'owners' or 'society' on the end to find the owners forum for your specific model.

For more info on Honda Motorcycle Parts or if you prefer British Bikes like Triumph Motorcycle Parts feel free to check out my other articles on them।

Where to Find Honda Motorcycle Parts

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